Why She’s Great: Like Dexter, she’s taken a deep-rooted psychological problem and used it for good.
Possible Issues: Don’t ever forget when it’s your turn to take the recycling out.

Why She’s Great: At first she seems overly uptight and demanding, but it’s soon clear that Elaine is just “protective mom” personified. And any mother who can freak out an entire touring rock band with a single phone call is a force of nature. Possible Issues: She isn’t going to like your new tattoo.

Why She’s Great: The sign of a good mother is flexibility. If her son is an underachieving slacker, then she’ll be a dumpy alcoholic. If her son gets off his ass and time travels, she’ll be a slim, successful yuppie.
Possible Issues: May try and make out with her future son before he can mock rape her. Ewwww.

Why She’s Great: Candles, “calm birth” classes, and soothing audio CDs seem nice. Try giving birth while trapped in a flooded well with a toddler on your arm. Seven gets a 10.
Possible Issues: Nothing Jaguar Paw ever does will measure up to her.

Why She’s Great: OK, so not the smartest mom (anyone could see that getting involved with a married George Segal is a fast track to a drinking problem), but there’s no question she adores her little bastard.
Possible Issues: Is oblivious to her own child’s charming, world weary snark.

Why She’s Great: Prymatt is willing to travel great distances if it means getting her daughter into a better school system. Plus, she’s cool with drinking in the house.
Possible Issues: She was originally part of an invasion force, but hopefully the allure of Pottery Barn will keep those instincts at bay.

Why She’s Great: Despite being divorced, getting saddled with a grade-A prick for an ex-husband, and living in Los Angeles, Audrey has managed to raise a pretty OK kid. An OK kid with magical wish powers, of course. Hey, anything to keep him away from Cary “Am I Suppose to be Menstruating?” Elwes.
Possible Issues: Openly makes out at children’s birthday parties.

Why She’s Great: Sure, most of the women (and men) on this list would kill to protect their child. But most of them have, what? Two kids? Three maybe? The Queen spits out offspring like Amy Winehouse spits out teeth and still cares enough to kill for all 10,000 of them.
Possible Issues: She’s constantly making her kids eat leftovers. “Aw, mom, we had half a space Marine’s torso last night…”

Why He’s Great: Jack could very easily have descended into a morass of booze and fried food after getting laid off, but instead he took motherhood by the sensitives and made it work, dammit. It was becoming a mom that made him into a real man.
Possible Issues: He had to learn the hard way that you can’t feed a toddler chili.

31. Flor Moreno (Paz Vega -- Spanglish)
Why She’s Great: Even in the den of spoiled rich whitery, she never forgets who she is and where she came from. And she is willing to take a stand and lose a job for the good of her family.
Possible Issues: Getting hit on by Adam Sandler.

Why She’s Great: Her mothering instinct is so strong she has no problem taking in a dumpster baby. Plus, she's the only lady motherly enough to hold down two spots on our list (keep reading to see the other, one).
Possible Issues: “Finders Keepers” doesn’t really apply to children.

Why She’s Great: Maybe it’s the famed “stiff upper lip” of the British, but Karen is a strong enough mom to hold her family together—and stitch ridiculous Christmas-themed lobster costumes—even when faced with her dithering husband’s possible infidelity.
Possible Issues: Her brother is the Prime Minister and can, it seems, have people easily killed. Charming SAS agents are just a phone call away.

Why She’s Great: We’re not sure how the “he/she” thing works here – “Jerry” seems like a dude, but then goes and gives birth while Dennis Quaid looks on with an expression of horror not seen since he was told, “This is your brother, Randy.” Anyway, even in death, Jerry looks out for his child’s future.
Possible Issues: Being dead.

Why She’s Great: The consummate housewife, she’s 100% into cleaning, decorating, and cooking—even if what she concocts in the kitchen can kindly be described as crimes against God and man. But, hey, she does it all with a smile.
Possible Issues: She’s about as present in reality as Gary Busey doing whippets. If she were any more spacey, she’d have an Oscar for American Beauty.

Why She’s Great: Take your average concerned mother and amplify her by 100 and your have Christine—who won’t let LAPD corruption, prejudice, or mental institutions keep her from accepting replacement kids.
Possible Issues: Has a hard time taking “no” for an answer. Or “yes,” for that matter.

Why She’s Great: While everyone from party planners to future in-laws are terrified of Bernie Mac’s character, it’s pretty clear who truly runs the household. Mrs. Jones not only wears the pants, but the s***-kickers, too.
Possible Issues: She apparently has no problem allowing the Ashton Kutcher douche-gene into her family’s bloodline.

Why She’s Great: Marge defines the term “long-suffering”: A clumsy, lazy husband, a scheming, grifting son and a know-it-all-daughter. Through it all Marge endures it with a smile.
Possible Issues: Has had nearly as many careers as her husband, and has a crippling inability to “relax.”

Why She’s Great: Is big, loud, and loving in the most ethnically stereotypical way possible. If this woman could sacrifice a goat to attain to power to shoot baklava into the mouths of unhappy children, she’d do it.
Possible Issues: She’s all too content to keep her mousy daughter mousy. Has no concept of “growing.”

Why She’s Great: A mom who lives and breathes football is considered a saint in some places (and we call those places Texas). And she isn’t above hosting the occasional post-game house party.
Possible Issues: Carelessly exposes her daughters to more potentially destructive behavior than Dina Lohan.

Why She’s Great: A mom who's desperate for approval is the best thing that can possibly happen to a greedy, superficial high school girl.
Possible Issues: A constant diet of Margaritas and plastic surgery will eventually reduce her to something that looks like a salamander in Juicy Couture.

Why She’s Great: Not only keeps her cool during a full-scale alien invasion, but she saves the kid and the dog. Plus, every mom should be able to teach her children how to shoulder roll away from an explosion.
Possible Issues: Is, however, a stripper. But, you know, she has a heart of gold.

Why She’s Great: If you get yourself in a pinch (like, say, you get caught cheating on a test at school or you accidentally watch a possessed tape of a vengeance-obsessed demon child), there is no length to which Rachel won’t go to set it right.
Possible Issues: The fact that she keeps showing people the deadly tape suggest that she's a little slow on the uptake.

Why She’s Great: Some mothers hide their extra-curricular activities from their children, but not Wilma. She’s a pistol-packing hellcat and she doesn’t care who knows it. Not the mom who’ll drive you to the mall, but possibly the mom who will jack stuff from the mall.
Possible Issues: “Sorry, ma, visiting hours are over. See you next week.”

Why She’s Great: The best of both worlds -- Corny, homespun housewife straight out of Norman Rockwell’s wet dreams on one hand, and cagey, cold-hearted hit-woman with a chip on her shoulder on the other.
Possible Issues: The whole “killing for a living thing” makes PTA nights a little tense.

Why She’s Great: Far from the typical apron-stringed Haus Frau, J.C. is the quintessential 80s-power-career-woman. She’s also a business whiz who can turn mashed apples into millions.
Possible Issues: She slept with Egon (Harold Ramis).

Why She’s Great: Erin will fight for the rights of the downtrodden in a tube top and still be home to make sure that her biker neighbor has changed the kids’ diapers -- A trailer-park supermom.
Possible Issues: Very argumentative.

Why She’s Great: She is willing to degrade herself sexually so that her son can get into a “normal” school. And she’s at least partially responsible for Elvis Presley’s success.
Possible Issues: "Life is like a box of chocolates" isn't the best wisdom a parent has given to their child. It’s artificially sweetened and lacks substance.

Why She’s Great: Cute, plucky, idealistic, and loving – Dorothy is the kind of mom who’ll hang everything you ever do on the fridge. She’s also sturdy enough to deliver a baby whose head weighed more than she did in Bridget Jones’ Diary.
Possible Issues: Hmm…willing to quit her job on a whim? Not really planning for the future much.

Why She’s Great: A hip, liberal mom (OK, grandmom) who isn’t all about rules, but still sets some boundaries (like “knock when you enter the bedroom”).
Possible Issues: Her daughters’ new stepdad owns more video games than Comic Book Guy.

Why She’s Great: She's able to look past all of the ultra-hip lingo and help her step-daughter through an unexpected pregnancy. Plus, she does not take lip from sassy teens or mouthy sonogram technicians. (A little sarcasm goes a long way.)
Possible Issues: Her dog obsession is creepy.

Why She’s Great: Mrs. Potts is not only nurturing, but her classic white-china finish looks stunning in the dining-room hutch. She can also belt out an iconic theme tune and make Sleepytime Tea at the same time.
Possible Issues: She tends to appear around a lot of murder victims.

Why She’s Great: Rose actually prefers when her children are taking their drugs, and is vehemently anti-Michael Dukakis. She also turns a tolerant blind-eye to terms such as “bitch,” ”f*** ass” and “suck a f***.”
Possible Issues: Her commitment to Sparkle Motion is questionable.

Why She’s Great: She might be living the quiet single mom life in Greece these days, but you have to love a woman who wears her musician-slut past so openly on her sleeve.
Possible Issues: Your dad may end up being Colin Firth.

Why She’s Great: Balancing motherhood and a career is tough enough without having said career be crime fighting. And the multitasking doesn’t stop there—Helen can save her husband’s ass and teach the kids the value of confidence and self-reliance all at the same time.
Possible Issues: To supervillains, those aren’t kids. Those are prime weaknesses.

Why She’s Great: Talk about unconditional love, so what if you’re a semimute Goth stitched together in a castle by a crazed Vincent Price who thinks garden shears are a close second to hands, Peg will take you in.
Possible Issues: Her “friends” are all “oh, he’s cute” one minute and “oh, let’s form a lynch mob” the next.

Why She’s Great: Who better to teach you to love who you are regardless of what people think than a 300-pound drag queen? Edna is large, in charge, and was racially sensitive long before the Obama years.
Possible Issues: Hey might one day turn into a creepy version of John Travolta.

Why She’s Great: Mrs. Vorhees didn’t drag Camp Crystal Lake to court when its negligence led to the death of her son—she just dedicated her life to making them pay.
Possible Issues: Is actually scarier than a 7-foot maniac in a hockey mask.

Why She’s Great: Not only does she indulge her daughter’s bird funerals and TV fixation, but Diane ventures into the gooey dark side to save her offspring.
Possible Issues: When she discovers that an area of her kitchen is displaying supernatural properties, rather than move, she dresses her youngest in a football helmet and lets the demonic forces play shuffleboard with her.

Why She’s Great: Mrs. Parker has unending motherly enthusiasm, especially around the holidays. She’s not above allowing her children to cram nutrients in their pieholes by any means necessary, and will help keep dad from finding out about fights at shool.
Possible Issues: Forcing her nearly-pubescent son to wear pink bunny outfits during Aunt Clara visits is cruel and unusual.