People like drawing celebrities. But it seems like the people who really like drawing celebrities are the ones who can't draw. Here are some of the worst we've come across on the Internet.

Brad Pitt

Billy Mays

David Beckham
You may try and say this has some artistic merit, but, seriously, it's a drawing of David Beckham lowering his sunglasses.

Taylor Hanson of Hanson
Chris Farley

Sylvester Stallone as Rambo

Eddie Van Halen
Marilyn Monroe

Kenny Rogers

Jennifer Aniston

The Jonas Brothers (I Live 4 Jonas)
Martin Luther King Jr.

Matt Damon
Michael Jackson In The Wiz
Nick Carter
Pierce Brosnan

This One Was Called Sarah Michelle Gellar

Whoopi Goldberg In Sister Act

Sarah Palin With Pancakes On Her Head