Anyway, the boys over at The Savage Science put together a list of the worst celebrity-themed pinball machines of all time. What this has to do with MMA, I have no idea, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Head on over there if you want to see which ones they chose, because I ain't telling you. What I will do is show you my favorite celebrity-themed pinball machines of all time. Yeah!
While I will humor you and share the rest of my list with you, it really begins and ends with this one. What could be better than Evel Knievel and pinball, baby? Imagine yourself as the ball as Evel Knievel going over jumps, crashing into stuff. Pinball and Evel were made for each other.

You didn't really think we were gonna do this exercise and not have an Elvis pinball machine on the list did you?

If The Greatest didn't have his own pinball machine, why even bother makin' 'em?

Of course, Playboy had it's own pinball machine. Playmates needed something to do between shoots. I mean, you know, other than bang Hef.
Kate Jackson, Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd as Charlie's Angels
I wish I was Bosley.

Dirty Harry loved pinball, right? Video break!

As the flyer says, it's a "real slam dunk!" Also, I didn't run across any other NBA players with their own pinball machine, so if Shaq is the only player with one, they made a good choice.

Just like in the movie!

I chose this one for *obvious* reasons. No video of this game, but I do have one of her flexing her giant chest!

One of only two race car drivers I found to have their own pinball machines. I know, you'd think that would be a lot more.