Rat-a-tat-tat... ping!
Can you believe it? At the New York Police department, forms are still being filled out on typewriters. This cutting-edge city – arguably the world’s most cutting-edge city - spent $432,900 on maintenance for these old-school machines last year.
Here’s a brief list of 10 places (or areas) where old technologies have been rescued from the dustbin of history.
Cassette tapes in prisons
Typewriters in the New York Police Department
Betamax in filmmakers’ editing suites
Pagers in hospitals (and by drug dealers... see: The Wire)
The spirit of carbon copying in the abbreviation ‘CC’ in emails
Telegrams across America
Vinyl records and the youth of today
Skateboards and the Hampshire police
Leeches and modern medicine
8-track and Cheap Trick’s latest album
(and one more for luck... microfilm in libraries)