Over the years, Hollywood has taken some liberties with the abilities of a computer and the individuals that claim to know how to use them. Here is a quick look at some of our favorite ever-so-slight exaggerations the screenwriters, producers, and directors have given us.
Jurassic Park - It’s A Unix System
…and she knows it.
Hackers: The Whole Movie
An oddly dressed, rag tag bunch of hackers take on a evil skateboarding hacker. No really, they do…
CSI: “I’ll Create a GUI interface using Visual Basic”
Ok, so we’ll just have someone else solve the crime while you’re busy doing that.
CSI New York "VB GUI Interface" - Click here for more free videos
Swordfish: “I Need a Worm in 60 seconds”
…..and a decent haircut.
Live Free or Die Hard: “The entire network is down.”
Really. The ENTIRE network goes down when a bad guy tries to control everything via the internet.
The Italian Job
Playing video games at work.
So for those of you looking to work in the technology field, I’m sorry to tell you that computers don’t work like that. Please also note that the other programmers and coworkers in your office will rarely look like Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie…