Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 Kids Guaranteed to Become Trekkies

Star Trek, the next generation? The odds are good. 

To boldly go where no man has gone before?! Um, not quite. The 11th "Star Trek" movie opened last weekend to a record opening day. The Star Trek phenomenon, as Captain Kirk might say, "Just. Won't. Stop." Each generation produces a whole new fan base. Where do hard-core Star Trek enthusiasts come from? Are they just born or are they a reflection of their Spock ear-wearing, Klingon-speaking parents?
1) Rude awakening for this kid when he finds out not all children speak fictitious Star Trek languages. 

2) Never, ever, ever leave a baby alone with a Trekkie. This kid's doomed. 

3) This little girl thinks all it takes to explore the final frontier is an empty cake box.

4) Baby ... or Starship Enterprise? Sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart. 

5) Beam Me Up, Teddy -- Winnie the Pooh and a cute British girl team up, Star Trek-style.

6) Tot Trek: Childhood, the final frontier. 

7) Baby goes gaa-gaa (or is it goo-goo?) for Star Trek.