Monday, June 1, 2009

5 Most Embarrassing Viral Video Stars Of All Time

They've changed our lives forever, but what about their lives? If the future means everyone gets 15 minutes of viral video fame, these people are wishing they could get that time back. Their lives have been ruined by a few minutes of footage and millions of pageviews. For more on the lives of sad, sad viral video stars, be sure to check out the premiere of Tosh.0, a new show on Comedy Central debuting June 4th at 10/9c.

Mark A. Hicks, aka Afro Ninja

These sweet moves led to infamy, and a brief movie career?
Aleksey Vayner, aka IvyGate

The worst video resume ever, or at least the worst to ever hit the web and immediately go viral, doing exactly the opposite for Vayner’s public profile of what he’d intended.
Andrew Meyer, aka “Don’t Tase Me, Bro”

Getting dragged out of a crowded room, then getting tased and spawning a zietgeisty catch phrase isn’t a bad way to make a name for yourself. Except oh yeah, it’s a terrible way to make a name for yourself.
Gary Brolsma , aka “Numa Numa”

This can be seen as kind of inspiring, or deeply embarrassing, depending on who you ask. If they’re from Earth, they will definitely see it as embarrassing. Aliens are easily inspired by our pathetic human rituals.
Ghyslain Raza, “Star Wars Kid”

Even one of the guys who claims that originally posted this to Kazaa (back in the pre-Flash video sharing site days), raze7ds, admits he ruined this kid’s life. Where is he now?