Sunday, July 12, 2009

10 Greatest TV and Movie Devils

He goes by many names. The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, the Fallen Angel, Beelzebub, etc. But no matter what you call him, he's one of the scariest villains you can think of. 

It was recently announced that Supernatural will be adding Lucifer to its cast for season 5, so we decided to look at what kind of competition he'll be up against. We combed through the best devils in film and television to get our favorites. Some are scary, some are sexy and others are hilarious, but for what ever reason, these are the devils we remember.

 Ned Flanders, The Simpsons
Welcome to Hell-diddly-ell, sinner-inos. The most pious man on Earth was hilarious as the Devil during one of the show's Treehouse of Horror segments. 

John Glover, Brimstone
He's been Lex Luthor's dad on Smallville, Sylar's dad on Heroes and Bane's creator in the horrible movie Batman and Robin, but Glover's most evil role was as the Devil in the very short-lived FOX drama Brimstone, which was essentially Reaper, only as a drama. 

Harvey Keitel and Rodney Dangerfield, Little Nicky
Satan and Lucifer are often used as different names for the same evil being. But in this Adam Sandler film, Keitel played Satan, while Dangerfield played Satan's dad, Lucifer. Dangerfield might be known as a comedian, but he is every bit as believable as the Devil as the ruthless Keitel. 

Jon Lovitz, Saturday Night Live
Lovitz had many memorable Saturday Night Live characters, but the most evil had to be Satan himself, in spite of the world's worst costume ever. 

Super Devil, Family Guy
One of George W. Bush's old drinking buddies, the Super Devil rides a flying motorcycle and carries a jar of marmalade he uses to convince married people to commit adultery. 

Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate
Al Pacino is pretty damn scary in any movie, even when he's the hero. So when he played the Devil (and Keanu Reeves' daddy), Pacino's over-the-top acting style came in handy. 

Tim Curry, Legend
Yes, that is the Tim Curry under all that make-up as the Prince of Darkness in this Tom Cruise fantasy film. However, it's still less scary than his costume for The Rocky Horror Picture Show. 

Satan, South Park
There are several ways to make Satan less scary, and the most effective has to be making him the wussy gay lover of Saddam Hussein. By comparison to his maniacal same-sex lover, Satan seems positively charming. 

Elizabeth Hurley, Bedazzled
I suspect this movie dramatically increased the world's population of Satanists, because if the Devil looks like Elizabeth Hurley, who wouldn't worship him? She bewitched, bewildered and bedazzled Brendan Fraser, and audiences, into looking forward to Hell. 

Ray Wise, Reaper
I don't know what the Devil is really like (or if there is really a Devil), but if there is, I imagine he's a lot like Ray Wise on the CW's dearly departed Reaper. He's charming enough to get you to do anything he wants, and he'll let you think you're winning, but the moment he smells trouble, he can rain down a fiery vengeance like only Satan can do.