Friday, September 11, 2009

10 Beatles Covers That Are Worse Than Yours

10. Russian Sailor – “Let It Be”

In Soviet Russia, song covers you! Painfully.

9. Baby Road

I could be misquoting, but I believe John Lennon once said that a baby version of Abbey Road was his absolute ultimate goal when he first got into music.

8. Kristy Lee Cook – “Eight Days A Week”

It’s not so much the Idol country-fication of the song that fails, it’s more the total failure of everything that fails.

7. Goldie Hawn – Hard Day’s Night

So, this happened.

6. These Dudes

You’re gonna tell me you can’t jam on color-coordinated chords better than these two guys? Look at them. Right?? Now play.


5. William Shatner – “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”

Voted the Worst Beatles Cover Of All Time  in a poll by the magazine Doy Quarterly. (Sweet Youtube tribute though)

4. Baby Humping Teddy Bear – “All You Need Is Love”

All you need is…a diaper commercial with a baby and giant teddy bear in an unambiguously compromising position? The original was catchier.


3. The Movie Across The Universe

I just wish the songs were more literal…at least two or three things mentioned in the lyrics don’t immediately, literally occur.

2. Mrs. Miller – “Hard Day’s Night”

1. Kylie Minogue – “Help”

[Comedian in Hawaiian Shirt and Tie]: Wouldn’t it be funny if The Beatles were every R&B group from the early 90s? It might sound uuhhhhhhh little somethinggggggg… like this: