Thursday, October 22, 2009

The 10 Funniest Unfunny Movie Scenes With Laugh Tracks

Laugh tracks have been coercing us into laughing at shows that aren't funny for decades. If you remove the laugh track from most major sitcoms all you have is a bunch of actors making bad jokes for twenty minutes followed by a deafening silence. And call me crazy but I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of secret subliminal messages hidden inside laugh tracks that makes us do things we wouldn't normally do. Maybe that's why so many people own cats?

#10 The Empire Strikes Back - Because there's nothing funnier than finding out what a whiny little bastard your father really is.

#9 Seven - I've always heard that the 8th deadly sin was dating your stepsister but that's only if the parents actually find out and she's ugly.

#8 Kill Bill Vol. 2 - I always though the Kill Bill movies would've been better if Steve Guttenberg was Bill and Phoebe Cates was Beatrix Kiddo. Basically because I wish Phoebe Cates was in every movie.

#7 Silence Of The Lambs - Am I the only one who is annoyed by Jodie Foster because she sounds like she's talking with a mouthful of marshmellows?

#6 Taxi Driver - Clearly Robert DeNiro would've been better choice than JohnTravolta to star in Welcome Back Kotter.

#5 Misery - Even with the laugh track, there's nothing funny about being trapped in a room with Kathy Bates.

#4 The Dark Knight - Experience the lighter side of The Dark Knight while you complain to your friends about what an abomination of KFC's unfried chicken is.

#3 Pulp Fiction - Laughter really is the best cure for accidentally shooting someone in the face.

#2 Full Metal Jacket - If you're looking for the perfect gift to buy all of your lazy friends this Christmas I recommend the talking Gunnery Sgt. Lee Ermey motivational doll. It's like giving them a bitchy girlfriend that they don't have to take out to expensive dinners.

#1 The Shining - Who says chasing your wife around the house with an axe can't be funny.