Thursday, October 1, 2009

The 11 Worst Celebrity Courtroom Sketches

Funny story: In 2007 Martha Stewart called out the sketch artist from her trial at a taping of her show. She pointed at her (in the audience) and said “I know you, you're the horrible artist who did all those bad sketches of me!” To which the artist replied, “Martha, you get prettier every day.” Zing!

 1 John Travolta

2  Martha Stewart

3 Foxy Brown

4 Naomi Campbell

5 Diddy


6 Nicole Richie


Wished she looked like this.

7 Britney and K-Fed


K-Fed looks good, but Britney's 5-head..

8 Uma Thurman

9  Busta Rhymes

10. R. Kelly

11. Sad Rod Blagoevich