Thursday, October 15, 2009

Top Ten “Women who grow on you”

This list is all about’ women who initially don’t seem attractive, but after a while grow on you, like moss on a stone, or mold on uneaten bread.

10) Susan Sarandon


“Wait a minute”, I hear you say. “Susan Sarandon? SUSAN SARANDON??? No! She’s as likely to grow on you as a pine tree is to grow in the Sahara desert!”. Oh yeah? Well, I refer you to the scene in her 1988 film ‘Bull Durham’ with Kevin Costner where she’s strutting around in suspenders getting all hot and bothered. As one source, who wanted to remain anonymous, said, “For a minute she was totally (charming)” - for the benefit of our more sensitive readers, I was obliged to alter the last word in that quote.

9) Maya Rudolph

Famed for her comedic talent as an actress on Saturday Night Live, Maya swoops into our list at number 9. At first glance her features are not the most pleasing to the eye, but with the passing of time like a fine wine - she is “slowly getting attractive”. You only have to look at pictures from her debut season on SNL in 1999 and compare them to her last appearance on the show in 2008 to see that Maya’s attractiveness has increased over the years - and the reason behind you suddenly finding yourself inexplicably attracted to her!

8) Kirsten Dunst

The facts of the matter when it comes to Kirsten is that she is more than the sum of her parts. Whilst it would be impossible to suggest that she is ugly, Kirsten is definitely not playing with the big girls when it comes to looks. In a Transformers v Spider Man show down, Megan Fox would win. But to dismiss Kirsten would be a great folly as anyone who saw her turn in Spider Man the movies will tell you. In that scene when she kissed an upside down Spider Man in the rain…in that top. She definitely grew on a whole legion of men.

7) The “ugly girl” in your place of work

"I'm sorry could you show me how the photocopier works please?"

Every office has an ugly girl. When you first lay eyes on her, you know that she is so beneath your standards that, not only is she not in your league, she’s not even playing the same sport. But, with each passing day as you work together, she inexplicably gets more and more attractive to the point that you start imagining scenarios involving broken photocopiers.

6) Khloe Kardashian

It would be a bit unfair to call Khloe Kardashian the ugly sister, but when your sisters are the drop dead gorgeous Kim and smoking hot Kourtney, that is the unfortunate situation you find yourself in. It doesn’t help either that her weight tends to fluctuate between a little bit of meat (in a good way) on her bones, and all meat no bones - if you get what I mean. Some people have also pointed out, that from certain angles she looks a bit like Jaws from James Bond. Known for her appearances on her reality show Keeping Up With The Khardashians she was often in the background but out of the three sisters she was always the one that you thought you might actually have a chance with, and for that reason alone she definitely grows on you!

5) Helena Bonham Carter (particularly in ‘Fight Club’)

Corsets = sexy

Despite often looking like a diseased-ridden peasant from medieval times with a phobia of soap, water, and hairbrushes, her laissez-faire attitude to love triangles with imaginary people in ‘Fight Club’, and the fact that she might look quite good after a shower, means HBC is a shoe-in for this list.

4) Sarah Beeny - star of ‘Property Ladder’ (the U.K. original, not the U.S. version)

Two reasons

For all those international fans of ‘The Daily Different’ who might be unfamiliar with Sarah, the picture really captures her essence. Commenting on how her house renovation show has granted her sex symbol status in the U.K., she said “Men are attracted to me because I’m bossy and opinionated… Men like that, it’s the dominatrix thing”. WRONG! While there are two BIG reasons why men like Sarah, it’s not for being bossy and opinionated.

3) Peg Bundy from ‘Married with Children’

Personality goes a long way

Why hello Mrs. Bundy! Normally, bouffant hair that looks like it’s been trapped in a 1970s time warp is a massive turn off, but it’s amazing what a great personality can do. (By the way, in my dictionary “great personality” refers to a seven letter word beginning with “b” that rhymes with “vests” )

2) Wilma Flintstone

Yabba Dabba Do!

All the guys prefer Betty Rubble right? And even Fred sometimes thinks that he married the wrong chick. But with her penchant for short dresses, showcasing her impressive pins, there’s no doubt that she was what made Fred shout “Yabba Dabba Doo” every week.

1) Elaine from ‘Seinfeld’ (aka Julia Louis-Dreyfus)

A quintessential example of a woman who, at first glance, flies low under the radar. Yet, the more you see of her, the more you get it. And the more you get it, the more you realize that she would get it!