Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Weirdest Children's Toy Commercials Of All Time

The Topper Toy Sixfinger - I think I can honestly say that having a 6th finger was never at the top of my wish list as a kid.

Ball Buster - No kid should ever have to play a game with his parents that involves talking about balls and that's all there is to say about that.

Gaylord The Puppy - And suddenly playing with a box of dirt with a kid you don't like doesn't seem quite so bad.

Kota The Triceritops - Every kid a dinosaur toy but not one that looks and acts like it might kill you in your sleep.

The Jesus Chris Action Figure - Sure he can walk on water, but no kid wants to play with an action figure that has a political agenda.

Milky The Marvelous Milking Cow - Milky The Cow would make Count Chocula and Frankeberry piss in their pants.

Love n' Licks Puppy - I've seen grown women say things more perverse in a 1-900 commercial.