It’s almost impossible to genuinely surprise and shock people in movie theatres these days.
We’ve already seen it all. We suspect every member of the cast of being the murderer. We’ve developed strong stomachs after seeing just about every imaginable way an unstoppable maniac with a huge knife can kill horny teenagers. Even most of the sexual taboos have become mainstream and boring by today’s standards.
Anyway, we may feel pretty unshockable now, but here at hecklerspray we wanted to pay homage to the groundbreaking, WTF moments that really had us staring blankly at the screen in disbelief. These clips are comprised of dastardly plot twists, sickening scenes of deaths or mutilation and, well, moments that really had us questioning the director’s sanity. Enjoy. Just beware there are serious spoilers in here.
30. The Thing
Moment: Chest turns into teeth
Anyone see that coming? Nah, neither did we.
29. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Moment: Jar Jar Binks
Wait, this can’t be Star Wars – it has an extra from The Little Mermaid in it. Why, George Lucas? Why?
28. Se7en
Moment: Sloth man wakes up
Surely, the biggest jump ever. How the hell could he still be alive?
27. The Usual Suspects
Moment: Cripple is Kaiser Soze
He made the whole thing up?? Anyone else watch it all over again?

Moment: Kathy Bates gets naked
Our dicks almost dropped off.
25. Scanners
Moment: Guy’s head explodes
Did his head just explode? One of the most stunning introductions to a movie.

24. Saw
Moment: Jigsaw gets off the ground
Wait! The killer is the body in the room all along? The moment Saw got even better.
23. Misery
Moment: It’s hammer time
Kathy Bates makes sure that her favourite writer will not be going anywhere. And a few people cough up their dinners.

Moment: Bath time!!
The worst thing about this moment is the sound it makes when she cuts off his manhood in the bath – and the fact he does not even realise what she has done!!

Moment: On a wire
The end scene gave us nightmares for weeks.

20. The Orphanage
Moment: Best advert ever for road safety
This could easily be the creepy kid with the sack on his head, but it’s pipped by the moment the old woman is run over by a car. Her face is something that will haunt us for a long time. In fact it is so bad, We don’t even want to put it on our site.
19. Oldboy
Moment: Cutting off his tongue
It’s a pretty messed-up movie in general, but it was hard to watch as he decides to cut his tongue off.
18. An American Werewolf in London
Moment: Nazi zombie stormtroopers
There was us innocently watching a werewolf film and then suddenly Nazi zombie soldiers storm into his house and slaughter his family. To make it worse, he then wakes up, another one pops up and stabs Jenny Agutter to death.
17. Ichi the Killer
Moment: Ichie is turned on by rape
The hardest thing was narrowing this film down into one moment. Our jaws were wide open throughout out this movie. It’s basically about a guy who is normally timid, but turns into a homicidal maniac with knives in his shoes when he gets angry. Think Incredible Hulk and James Bond meets Halloween. But the moment that probably shocked us to the core is the moment he starts getting aroused by a girl being raped in high school.

Moment: Rape scene
One of the most disturbing moments in movie history.
15. Evil Dead
Moment: Tree rape
Wood you believe it!!!!
14. Pink Flamingos
Moment: Eating shit
Again, the whole movie is shocking, but the dog poo eating incident takes the biscuit. The dog biscuit.
13. Empire Strikes Back
Moment: I am your father
Darth Vader is Luke’s dad? Our fragile, infant minds really could not cope.
12. Deliverance
Moment: Squeal like a pig
It could easily have been the deformed kid playing the banjo, but the male rape scene is pretty shocking.
11. Don’t Look Now
Moment: Midget attacks
Donald Sutherland finally corners what he believes is the ghost of his dead daughter, only to realise it’s actually a Venetian midget with a knife. If you think about it, it’s actually more realistic.
10. American History X
Moment: Curb stomping
Nothing on earth could have prepared us for that sound.

Moment: Mom?
So, his mother is actually dead and the killer is actually Norman himself pretending to be his dead mom. It seems tame by today’s standards, but must have stunned audiences at the time.
8. Un Chien Andalou
Moment: Eye, eye, that’s gotta hurt
Still one of the most shocking and disturbing moments in cinema history. We just can’t look. Neither can she now.
7. Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure
Moment: Large Marge
Put us off hitchhiking forever.
6. The Exorcist
Moment: Giving it head
It could easily be the moment with the crucifix, but the head turn just wins because of the sheer stupidity of it. It looks ridiculous, but actually works.
5. Sleepaway Camp
Moment: What the hell is that?
The ending of Sleepaway Camp – a pretty average 80s slasher movie – will live long in the memory. It’s the moment the killer is revealed to be Angela – and, to this day, we have no idea what it is. All we know is that it has genitals and makes a horrible animal noise.
4. Saving Private Ryan
Moment: War’s a beach
So this is what war is actually like. The storming of Omaha beach is truly terrifying.
3. Full Metal Jacket
Moment: Private Pyle goes nuts
OK, it had been building up for a while – but did you really think it would end up like this? Gripping cinema. Just brilliant.

Moment: She’s a dude?
A girl with meat and two veg??
1. Alien
Moment: Alien pops out
Chest incredible.